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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

UN chief Ban Ki-moon urges support for $4bn Haiti plan

UN chief Ban Ki-moon has opened a fundraising conference on Haiti by calling for a "wholesale national renewal" of the earthquake-hit country.
Mr Ban gave his support to a plan to rebuild Haiti which will require almost $4bn (£2.65bn) in initial aid payments.
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told delegates the US would give $1.15bn. Other nations are expected to make up the rest.
The 12 January earthquake killed 200,000 and left one million homeless.
The Haitian government and international officials have spent weeks putting together a plan for the country.
They intend to set up a trust fund to decide how to spend the aid money, and will establish a commission to oversee reconstruction work.
The main tasks are to rebuild destroyed government buildings, hospitals and schools, get farms working again and create jobs.
Mr Ban, the UN secretary general, described the plan as "concrete, specific and ambitious", and said delegates should give it their "full and generous support".
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