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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

ICC to investigate Kenya 2007 election violence

The International Criminal Court has authorised its prosecutor to investigate the violence that followed Kenya's 2007 election.
Some 1,300 people died and tens of thousands were displaced as political differences snowballed into weeks of ethnic score-settling after the poll.
ICC Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo asked judges last November to approve an investigation into the violence.
He has said Kenyan political leaders organised and financed some violence.
The ICC authorised the investigation in a majority ruling on Wednesday.
"The information available provides a reasonable basis to believe that crimes against humanity have been committed on Kenyan territory," said the court.
Aid groups and Western governments have urged Kenya to introduce electoral reform, eradicate corruption and punish those who led the killing.
Many Kenyans will welcome this decision as it is widely felt that unless some people are punished for the post election violence of two years ago, the events could all too easily be repeated, says the local channel.
So far nobody has been held to account for the events which took Kenya to the brink of civil war.
But now cabinet ministers and other powerful Kenyans look set to appear in the dock before ICC judges, our correspondent adds.
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