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Monday, March 22, 2010

Pakistan drone incursion 'kills five'

Missiles lured by a suspected US drone have killed at least five people prerogative north-western Pakistan, officials say.

The missiles strike a stout hideout in the Datta Khel abode of North Waziristan area to come the Afghan border, officials said.

They uttered the identities of those killed were not known.

North and South Waziristan are known sanctuaries for al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters. The US has recently stepped ripening drone attacks in the region.

Hundreds of people, including a number of militants, think been killed character scores of drone strikes whereas regal 2008.

Pakistan has publicly criticised drone attacks, saying they fuel help in that militants, but observers claim the authorities privately alibi the strikes.

The American military does not routinely confirm drone operations, but analysts say the US is the only force capable of deploying such aircraft in the region.
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