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Monday, March 22, 2010

China denounces Google 'US ties'

China's trace media has attacked Google now having what it said were "intricate ties" with the US government.

Google provides US intelligence agencies blot out a index of its search mechanism results, the state-run news agency Xinhua said.

It also accused Google of trying to change Chinese society by imposing American values on it.

Google denied that unaffected was influenced by the US government, a spokesperson over the troop was quoted as saying by AP.

"Google's high-level officials have demanding ties with the US oversight. corporeal is and an occasion secret that some security experts in the Pentagon are from Google", reporters from Xinhua wrote supremacy a commentary.

The invasion comes as Google prepares to proclaim whether it bequeath power outer of China seeing of internet censorship there.

"The decision to review our business in China was entirely Google's and Google's alone, Google spokeswoman Jessica Powell told AP material agency

Google's peddle share lags behind that of China's most memorable search engine, Baidu, but China has more people online than any other country.

Censorship laws

Xinhua oral China's internet regulations would remain unchanged whether Google left or not.

"One company's greed to change China's internet rules will only establish to be ridiculous", Xinhua said.

Google announced in January that physical would no longer comply with China's internet censorship laws.

It warned that it may shut down because of censorship further a hacking onset on the portal.

Google began operations moment China leadership 2006 to universal criticism.

While many argued Google was complicit rule the censorship imposed by Chinese government, Google insisted unfeigned was nevertheless yielding the civic interest even though perceptible was furnishing censored results.

Relations between China and Google cooled prominence January after what Google described seeing a preferred cyber attack in which the webmail accounts of Chinese human rights activists were targeted.
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