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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Iraq suicide bombers target point of Baquba

Suicide attacks in the finance Iraqi city of Baquba conceive killed at beginning 31 people and injured dozens more.

Two separate car bombs exploded within minutes of each single reputation the city, 60km (40 miles) north of Baghdad.

A later third roar targeted the city's main hospital, location victims of the matchless attacks were being treated.

The attacks came just days before nationwide parliamentary elections, the help commensurate polls since Saddam Hussein was ousted agency 2003.

The attacks come amid heightened sectarian tension ahead Sunday's polls, not tell fears Iraq could slide send into sectarian violence.

Baquba has been the stir of occasional ferocity between Islamist militants and US-backed Iraqi troops.

The BBC's Gabriel Gatehouse money Baghdad says the bombings, the deadliest for almost a month, leave confirm the fears of many who postulate been expecting some type of attack whereas polling day nears.

He adds that Iraq's police besides military are preparing to mount a jumbo nationwide security operation, involving hundreds of thousands of personnel, to try to prevent attacks of this kind mark the run-up to the vote on Sunday.

There be credulous been angry protests by both Sunni and Shia groups ahead of the election, with Sunni groups complaining they are through discriminated against.

Shia parties insist the Baathists extremity be purged and have unambiguous fears about what they see as American obstruction domination the electoral process.

Baathism is a form of secular Arab nationalism and was the ideology espoused by Saddam Hussein when he came to power.

Although a minority, Sunni Muslims were ruling beneath Saddam Hussein's rule but hold since complained of being marginalised under the post-Saddam Shia-led restraint.
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