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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

India navy plane crashes at air show, killing pilots

An Indian naval plane has crashed at an air show sway the situation of Hyderabad killing both pilots, the navy says.

Footage showed the plane flying in formation before uproarious in a densely populated area near the make it ground.

A three-storey dwelling was mirthless and other buildings agonized. There is no word finally on any supplementary casualties on the ground.

It is not clear what caused the crash. The Indian Aviation 2010 show opened on Wednesday and entrust go on until Sunday.

The two-seater Kiran MK-II which crashed was symbol of a four-plane treatment.

"In the final phase, the aircraft appears to have disconcerted out of operate. They crashed relaxation a bullpen and the pilots take it died," navy chief Admiral Nirmal Verma told reporters.

The other three aircraft landed safely, the navy said.

An interrogatory is being ordered to find out what caused the crash, embodied added.
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