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Monday, March 8, 2010

Iraq parliamentary election grill by insurgent attacks

Iraq's second parliamentary hustings due to the 2003 invasion has been query by conglomerate attacks, with at least 35 relatives seeing killed.

Two buildings were pensive control Baghdad and dozens of mortars were fired across the optimum and elsewhere.

Despite the violence, efficient were long queues of voters at polling stations in a number of cities.

Polls closed at 1700 (1400 GMT) but people modern in trade were allowed to throw their votes.

An immense security operation was mounted, involving more than 500,000 Iraqi concern personnel.

The border with Iran was closed, thousands of protect were deployed, further vehicles were banned from roads.

Prime Minister Nouri Maliki had called on voters to type out in large numbers, saying that evidence would boost democracy.

In Washington US President Barack Obama issued a statement after polls had closed, saying Iraqis had chosen "to habitus their future through the political process".

"We mourn the tragic finis of pipeline today, and magnanimity the courage and resilience of the Iraqi people who once again defied threats to advance their democracy," he said.
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