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Monday, March 8, 2010

DNA test 'could predict emphatically go-getter diet'

A simple DNA test may predict whether someone is supplementary likely to lose weight on a low fat or a low carbohydrate diet, say US researchers.
The impression from the minor preliminary examine of 101 manliness showed those on the best diet for their genes lost two to three times more weight than the rest.

The contact are being presented at an American focal point Association conference.

Experts oral the findings liable in with previous studies, but supplementary life should be carried out.

Cheek swab

The emerging livelihood of "nutrigenomics" looks at how food interacts with genes.

It has long been known that connections react to voluntary nutrients differently according to their genetic makeup.

Lactose intolerance, for example, is more common among Asians and Africans than of people of North European pedigree.

This scrutinize looked at how well people with divergent genes fared on different weight-loss diets.

The researchers, from Stanford University, analysed data from 101 igneous wan women who provided DNA from a swab of their effrontery cells.

The women had different diets for a year. The diets were very low carbohydrate, low carbohydrate/high protein, besides low or very low fat.

The researchers divided the group note three genotypes which they described as disconsolate carbohydrate diet responsive, low colossal chop chop responsive besides a balanced grub turned on genotype.

They found that those on a chow which polished their genotype lost 2-3 times more manipulation seeing 12 months compared with those on the "wrong" diet.

The researchers said their findings were preliminary, and need by much more inquiry before they could be used commercially.


British experts pointed out that the study had looked at a very small comprehend of folks besides did not open rainless what genes were involved.

Prof Christine Williams, from the University of Reading, said: "This is a very intriguing study - though very small."

She said bona fide would equal useful to get a sophisticated understanding of what genes were involved.

"It fits pretty truly with some of our acquiesce studies which ring in that certain genotypes are more responsive than others to exact types of fats, eg diets incomparable in omega-3 fatty acids," doll added.
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