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Friday, March 26, 2010

Uganda mourners at Buganda tombs in deadly crush

At least one person has been killed and 10 wounded in a crush at a Ugandan royal tomb that was destroyed by fire last week, police say.
The incident came at the end of a week of official mourning for the mausoleum of the Buganda kingdom, which has attracted thousands of people.
The fire at the tombs sparked protests in which at least two people died.
Government supporters and Buganda's King Ronald Mutebi have been at loggerheads since riots last year.
Acting spokesperson for the Buganda kingdom Medard Ssegona Lubega told a news channel Focus on Africa programme that the death occurred when a person fell down as the huge crowds were pushing against each other - with some trying to leave the site.

"It was hot for many people who were in the royal tomb," he said.
The government has said it will help rebuild the site and Buganda ministers are discussing the plans.
It remains unclear what started the fire, although some suspect arson.
Buganda is the largest of Uganda's four ancient kingdoms, abolished in 1966 but reinstated by President Yoweri Museveni's government in 1993.
However, he restored them only as cultural institutions with no political power.
Supporters of King Ronald believe he should have more power and influence than Mr Museveni allows.
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