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Friday, March 12, 2010

Hugging Salford University students break world record

A combine of embracing students from Greater Manchester have broken the world record for the longest hug.

Faisal Mohyud-Din and Mohammed Azeem managed to remain clasped acute for 24 hours and 17 minutes - momentous the plain record by 16 minutes.

They have raised money for the other Christie cancer unit in Oldham.

They splendid their feat at Oldham Athletic's tail Park stadium during the team's power against Leyton Orient on Tuesday night.

The Salford University students spoken they wanted to carry through it because everyone is at wager of suffering from the killer disease.

The Christie Cancer Hospital is basis a new £17m radiotherapy centre in Oldham subsequent this week.

Tension fatigue

They were monitored throughout the grill besides had to stay awake at all times.

The embrace is the charity logo of The Christie Hospital.

Mr Mohyud-Din, a talented sprinter who is aiming to compete in the 2012 Olympics, said: "This was certainly a marathon quite than a sprint.

"I needed all my assets of stamina to get over it, but I'm now the moon to have broken the record - hopefully the first of many."

Alicia Custis, head of communications at The Christie, added: "Massive congratulations to Faisal and Azeem for the system record - they've done fantastically in reality and fought against sleep deprivation and muscle fatigue.

"I be cognizant it was enormously tough racket and I'm hugely grateful to them seeing doing this owing to the Christie. This is a hug for all our cancer patients."
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