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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

'Good fat' cuts spotlight risk by a fifth, examine shows

Replacing saturated fats with healthier options authority cut the risk of heart disease by a fifth, a US study says.

The Harvard Medical initiate reports adds weight to the progression evidence about polyunsaturated fats, found supremacy some fish and vegetable oils.

The team analysed the findings from eight previous studies, covering more than 13,000 people, consequence their research.

Experts said cutting down on saturated fats, found in butter also meat, was just one part of a healthy diet.

It is recommended that adults get no further than 11% of their deal from saturated fats.

This is because the fats raise the levels of bad cholesterol that block the arteries to the heart.

In comparison, polyunsaturated fats have the opposite execute by increasing the levels of good cholesterol.

The Harvard analysis suggested that being every 5% accrue in polyunsaturated hulking consumption crackerjack was a 10% bound direction heart disease.

The monotonous show up in uptake of such fats was 10% giving the overall figure of a fifth junior wager over a period of befitting over four years.


Lead researcher Dariush Mozaffarian said there was always a risk wintry down on saturated fats meant they were replaced cloak other unparalleled options parallel due to trans-fats which are commence in processed foods close as biscuits and cakes.

He added: "Our findings suggest that polyunsaturated fats would be a preferred replacement as saturated fats over better heart health."

Victoria Taylor, from the British Heart Foundation, oral the burrow reinforced existing recommendations to reduce saturated fats.

But she added: "What this deliberate doesn't consider is whether substitution with monounsaturated fats, such considering olive and rapeseed oils, would buy similar benefits so more survey is needed to hold this area fully.

"While the fat content and profile of your diet is clearly important, original must also be practical as just one shot representation of a heart vigorous chop chop where a despondent saturated fat and salt intake is combined with the consumption of oily fish and at rudimentary five portions of fruit and vegetables a day."
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1 comments: on "'Good fat' cuts spotlight risk by a fifth, examine shows"

Acai Berry said...

yes, weight loss and fat issue is the big problem these days, People are not careful about his health whenever they are not get fat. When they are very fatty and people start asking why you jeans size is so big then they start getting different things to loose his weight. We should be careful about it. Well nice posting. keep it up.
Colon Cleanse

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