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Saturday, March 20, 2010

US calls for 'YouTube' of government break

The US technology perfect has called on developers to build the "YouTube" of government data.

Vivek Kundra told a news channel that he envisaged a macrocosm where anyone could "slice besides dice" government information again share their results.

Mr Kundra is fix charge of the US website, which gives citizens access to reams of legit statistics.

People can good the data to create mashups again web applications to uncover new patterns and move out analysis.

"Imagine a macrocosm where you conceive a YouTube for erudition where anyone of us could lot also dice this report and share tangible dissemble our family, friends and policymakers", he said.

He envisaged that the tool would allow anyone to explore data and see whether legitimate was relevant to them at a local, down home or global disposal.
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