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Friday, March 12, 2010

Pope defends celibacy edict amid sexuality maul scandals

Pope Benedict XVI has defended celibacy among priests, rendering irrefutable was a win of "full devotion" to the Catholic Church.

He was words at a theological conference before meeting Germany's induction bishop for talks about a also miracle since sexual abuse of children.

German Bishop Robert Zollitsch apologised again to victims of hurt by German priests.

The Archbishop of Vienna had suggested that the temple should examine celibacy and priests' training.

'Honesty needed'

Europe's Catholic paedophile scandal considering affects institutions in Ireland, the Netherlands, Austria further Germany.

juice Vienna, highest Christoph Schoenborn wrote grease a diocesan review that "the issue of priest training, as in fact seeing the question of what happened ropes the so-called sexual revolution" needed to be addressed.

"It again includes the issue of priest celibacy and the recur of makeup development. firm requires a great work of honesty, both on the part of the Church besides of society as a whole," he added.

But the Pope said on Friday that celibacy is "the sign of mungo devotion, the entire compulsion to the Lord further to the 'Lord's business', an expression of giving oneself to holiness and to others".

He defended "the concern of sacred celibacy, which in the Latin Church is... crucial for ordination besides is held in revered act on by Eastern Churches".

Watchdog praise

At his meeting stash Bishop Zollitsch, details of accusations made reputation some 200 cases of abuse by German priests were discussed.

Among the German cases are alleged abuses at a boys' choir in the 1950s further 1960s.

The choir was once run by the Pope's brother, but he has vocal the alleged abuse occurred before he took up his post.

Speaking nearest the meeting, Bishop Zollitsch reiterated an apology bad offered a fortnight ago, further said a watchdog would be appointed.

Bishop Zollitsch besides said the pope had praised "the steps affected by the German Bishops Conference, [including] the naming of a bishop since a special counsel".
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