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Friday, March 26, 2010

Clash in Pakistan's Orakzai kills militants and troops

Five Pakistani soldiers and at least 21 suspected militants have been killed in clashes near the Afghan border, Pakistan's military has said.
The fighting occurred in the tribal district of Orakzai.
It came a day after military aircraft bombed areas in the district killing at least 11 people.
Militants led by Pakistani Taliban commander Hakimullah Meshud are thought to have moved to Orakzai following a troop offensive in South Waziristan.
The military said in a statement that the fighting broke out when militants attacked and captured a security check post in Orakzai.
"Security forces counter-attacked and recaptured that check post," the statement said.
The casualties could not be independently verified as the area is under military supervision and access by reporters is restricted.
In the two air strikes on Thursday, a Taliban compound that also housed a seminary was targeted, followed by a strike on a car carrying militants, officials said.
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