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Tuesday, July 23, 2024


UN top court says Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories is illegal

The UN's top court has said Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories is against international law, in a landmark opinion.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) said Israel should stop settlement activity in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem and end its "illegal" occupation of those areas and the Gaza Strip as soon as possible.

In response, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the court had made a "decision of lies".

The court's advisory opinion is not legally binding but still carries significant political weight. It marks the first time the ICJ has delivered a position on the legality of the 57-year occupation.

The ICJ, based at The Hague in the Netherlands, has been examining the issue since the beginning of last year, at the request of the UN General Assembly.

The court was specifically asked to give its view on Israel's policies and practices towards the Palestinians, and on the legal status of the occupation.

 Delivering the court's findings, ICJ President Nawaf Salam said it had found that "Israel's... continued presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory is illegal."

"The State of Israel is under the obligation to bring an end to its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory as rapidly as possible," he said.

He said Israel's withdrawal from the Gaza Strip in 2005 did not bring Israel's occupation of that area to an end because it still exercises effective control over it.

The court also said Israel should evacuate all of its settlers from the West Bank and East Jerusalem and pay reparations to Palestinians for damages caused by the occupation.

Israel has built about 160 settlements housing some 700,000 Jews in the West Bank and East Jerusalem since 1967. The court said the settlements were illegal. Israel has consistently disputed that they are against international law.

The ICJ said Israel's "policies and practices amount to annexation of large parts of the Occupied Palestinian Territory", which it said was against international law, adding that Israel was "not entitled to sovereignty" over any part of the occupied territories.

Israel claims sovereignty over the whole of Jerusalem, the eastern half of which it captured in the 1967 Middle East war. It considers the city its indivisible capital - something which is not accepted by the vast majority of the international community.

Among its other far-reaching conclusions, the court said Israeli restrictions on Palestinians in the occupied territories constituted "systemic discrimination based on, inter alia, race, religion or ethnic origin". It also said Israel had illegally exploited the Palestinians' natural resources and violated their right to self-determination.

The court also advised states to avoid any actions, including providing aid or assistance, that would maintain the current situation.

Israel's prime minister swiftly issued a blunt statement rejecting what the court had determined.

"The Jewish people are not occupiers in their own land - not in our eternal capital Jerusalem, nor in our ancestral heritage of Judea and Samaria" (the West Bank), Mr Netanyahu said in a statement.

"No decision of lies in The Hague will distort this historical truth, and similarly, the legality of Israeli settlements in all parts of our homeland cannot be disputed."

But the court's findings were welcomed by the Palestinians.

Hussein Al Sheikh, the secretary general of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), the Palestinians' main umbrella group, called it "a historic victory for the rights of the Palestinian people and their right to self-determination. And the collapse and defeat of the Judaization project through confiscation, settlement, displacement, and racist practices against a people under occupation.

"The international community must respect the opinion of international justice and force Israel to end its occupation of the Palestinian territories," he said.

The court's findings will now go to the UN General Assembly, which will decide how to respond, including the option of adopting a resolution. That would be significant and could constitute a catalyst for negotiations and set the legal parameters for a future negotiated settlement.

This case is separate from another active case brought to the ICJ by South Africa accusing Israel of committing genocide against the Palestinians in the war in Gaza.



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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Porn virus publishes web history of victims on the net

A new type of malware infects PCs using file-share sites and publishes the user's net history on a public website before demanding a fee for its removal.
The Japanese trojan virus installs itself on computers using a popular file-share service called Winni, used by up to 200m people.
It targets those downloading illegal copies of games in the Hentai genre, an explicit form of anime.
Website Yomiuri claims that 5500 people have so far admitted to being infected.
The virus, known as Kenzero, is being monitored by web security firm Trend Micro in Japan.
Masquerading as a game installation screen, it requests the PC owner's personal details.
It then takes screengrabs of the user's web history and publishes it online in their name, before sending an e-mail or pop-up screen demanding a credit card payment of 1500 yen (£10) to "settle your violation of copyright law" and remove the webpage.
Held to ransom
The website that the history is published on is owned by a shell company called Romancing Inc. It is registered to a fictitious individual called Shoen Overns.
"We've seen the name before in association with the Zeus and Koobface trojans. It is an established criminal gang that is continuously involved in this sort of activity," said Rik Ferguson, senior security advisor at Trend Micro.
Kenzero is a twist on ransomware, he added, which infects a computer and encrypts the documents, pictures and music stored on it, before demanding a fee for a decryption key.
"Interestingly we've seen a separate incident that focuses on European victims," he said.
A fictitious organization calling itself the ICPP copyright foundation issues threatening pop-ups and letters after a virus searches the computer hard drive for illegal content - regardless of whether it actually finds anything.
It offers a "pretrial settlement" fine of $400 (£258) payable by credit card, and warns of costly court cases and even jail sentences if the victim ignores the notice.
However rather than take the money, the outfit sells on the credit card details, said Mr Ferguson.
"If you find you are getting pop-ups demanding payments to settle copyright infringement lawsuits, ignore them and use a free online anti-malware scanner immediately to check for malware," was his advice.
"And if there's online content that you want to get hold of, get it from a reputable website - if that means paying that's what you have to do."

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Qatari diplomat detained after incident on US plane

A Qatari diplomat has been detained after an incident on a flight from Washington's Reagan airport to Denver.
Two F-16 jets were scrambled to intercept the United Airlines plane and escort it to land safely at Denver airport, US officials said.
Initial reports said the man, who has not been named, had tried to set fire to his shoes.
But officials later said no explosives were found and he had apparently been trying to smoke in a plane toilet.
Investigators were told the man was asked about the smell of smoke in the toilet and he made a joke that he had been trying to light his shoes - an apparent reference to the 2001 "shoe bomber" Richard Reid, AP news agency reported.
Reid, a British citizen, tried to blow up a transatlantic jet with explosives hidden in his footwear.

US and Russian leaders hail nuclear arms treaty

US President Barack Obama and his Russian counterpart, Dmitry Medvedev, have signed a landmark nuclear arms treaty in the Czech capital, Prague.
The treaty commits the former Cold War enemies to each reduce the number of deployed strategic warheads to 1,550 - 30% lower than the previous ceiling.
Mr Obama said it was an important milestone, but "just one step on a longer journey" of nuclear disarmament.
Mr Medvedev said the deal would create safer conditions throughout the world.
If ratified by lawmakers in both countries, the treaty will replace the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (Start) of 1991, which has expired.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sri Lanka elects new parliament

Sri Lankans are voting for a new parliament - two months after President Mahinda Rajapaksa was re-elected to power with a clear margin.
His government has since then locked up the principal defeated presidential candidate, Sarath Fonseka.
And the opposition has now split, with no unified voice to criticise the government.
Like the campaign for the presidential poll, this one has been marked by widespread - if low-level - violence.
It has also seen vindictive, personalised politics and constant breaches of electoral rules, causing the election commissioner once more to wring his hands.

Geithner set for talks on yuan during visit to China

US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is due in China for talks with Vice-Premier Wang Qishan to discuss a long-running dispute over the yuan.
The last-minute visit comes as the US tries to persuade China to allow its currency to trade more freely on foreign exchange markets.
The US has accused China of keeping the yuan artificially low, making it hard for US exporters to be competitive.
There are signs that China may be softening its stance on its currency.
Conciliatory gesture
Mr Geithner has been visiting India and flew to Hong Kong on Wednesday evening. He is due to fly to Beijing later on Thursday.
While in India, the Treasury secretary said he was confident that China would decide a more flexible yuan was in its own best interests.
The White House also reaffirmed its desire on Wednesday to persuade China to embrace a more flexible currency in a concerted effort to push for some kind of resolution to the long running dispute.
The US is talking tough but also making conciliatory gestures towards China.
Last weekend, the US Treasury delayed the publication of an official report on whether China manipulates its currency.
Mr Geithner said he would delay the report, which was due on 15 April, until after a series of G20 and bilateral meetings with China.
The yuan will also be on the agenda next week when President Barack Obama meets his Chinese counterpart, Hu Jintao, on the sidelines of a nuclear summit in Washington.
Trade imbalances
There are some signs that the US's efforts to persuade China may be rewarded.
Zhu Baoliang, chief economist at the State Information Centre, a government think-tank, said: "Regardless of how much pressure the US puts on China, we cannot let the yuan float. What we can do is depeg the yuan from the dollar."
This compromise measure would make the yuan more flexible.
Many observers see the yuan as key to addressing trade imbalances that are destabilising the global economy.
A weak yuan means China can export goods cheaply, allowing the country to run a huge trade surplus.
The US, along with most developed western economies, imports much more than it exports, leading to a massive trade deficit.

Sudan's Umma party declares election boycott

One of Sudan's key opposition parties has said that it plans to boycott the country's elections.
A spokesman said the Umma party would not take part in the presidential, parliamentary or state polls.
Sudan's first multi-party elections since 1986 are scheduled to begin on Sunday.
The Umma party's decision follows that of the main southern Sudan party, the SPLM, to boycott the vote in the northern areas.
"We have decided to boycott the electoral process at all levels," said Sarah Nugdalla, head of Umma's political bureau.
Umma was among a group of opposition parties that had given the Sudanese government a deadline to introduce reforms in return for a pledge to take part in the elections - as long as these were delayed until May.

Kyrgyzstan opposition sets up 'people's government'

The opposition in Kyrgyzstan says it is setting up a "people's government" after deadly clashes left dozens dead.
An opposition leader and former foreign minister, Roza Otunbayeva, told the news channel that new defence and interior ministers had been appointed.
The whereabouts of President Bakiyev are not clear but reports say that he has flown out of the capital, Bishkek.
Protests at rising prices, corruption and the arrest of opposition leaders had erupted in three cities.
Ms Otunbayeva said the interim government would remain in power for six months and draw up a new constitution.
Kyrgyzstan is a strategically important Central Asian state and houses a key US military base that supplies forces in Afghanistan. Russia also has a base there.
Ms Otunbayeva said these military bases could continue as before.
The United States said it deplored the violence and urged "respect for the rule of law". It also said it believed the government was still in control.
Russian PM Vladimir Putin denied that Moscow had played any role in the unrest, saying it was a "domestic affair" and that there should be "restraint".
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said the protests showed the "outrage at the existing regime".
A spokesman for Ban Ki-moon said the UN secretary general was "shocked by the reported deaths and injuries that have occurred today in Kyrgyzstan. He urgently appeals for dialogue and calm to avoid further bloodshed".
Gunfire is continuing into the night in Bishkek with shops set alight.
A news channel Reporter in Bishkek says there is widespread looting, with hundreds of protesters moving from one store to another.
The Kyrgyz health ministry said 40 people had died in the clashes and more than 400 were injured.
But the opposition says that is far too low. In a broadcast on a TV channel it took over, spokesman Omurbek Tekebayev said at least 100 demonstrators had been killed.
The opposition used its channel to say that it was setting up a government that would be headed by former foreign minister, Rosa Otunbayeva.
Ms Otunbayeva said in a broadcast: "Power is now in the hands of the people's government. Responsible people have been appointed and are already working to normalise the situation."
The Associated Press news agency reported that an opposition leader had taken over the National Security Agency, the successor to the Soviet KGB.
But Galina Skripkina, of the opposition Social-Democratic Party, told Reuters news agency that the president had not yet resigned.
"He must... formally submit his resignation to parliament so we can appoint a caretaker government," she said.
Reuters also quoted the Kyrgyz border control as saying the frontier with Kazakhstan had been closed.
Agence France-Presse says the US has suspended military flights at its base in Kyrgyzstan.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Shadow cyber spy network revealed

A "complex cyber-espionage" network that penetrated various organisations including the Office of the Dalai Lama, has been uncovered by researchers.
The shadow network targeted government, business, and academic computers at the United Nations and the Embassy of Pakistan in the US, among others.
It was used to steal at least 1,500 emails from the Office of the Dalai Lama, the researchers said.
The attacks were thought to originate in the city of Chengdu in China.
Specifically, the researchers, from the Information Warfare Monitor and the Shadowserver Foundation, said they had evidence of "links between the Shadow network and two individuals living in Chengdu".
Information Warfare Monitor comprises researchers from Ottawa-based think tank SecDev Group and the University of Toronto's Munk Centre for International Studies.
The individuals were identified by e-mail addresses and are thought to be part of China's "underground hacking community".
The network was outlined in a report called Shadows in the Cloud.
"The social media clouds of cyberspace we rely upon today have a dark, hidden core," said Professor Ron Diebert, director of the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto's Munk Centre, launching the report.
"There is a vast, subterranean ecosystem to cyberspace within which criminal and espionage networks thrive."
He said the network had reached into the "upper echelons of the Indian security establishment" and should act as a "wake up call" to governments to co-operate on cybersecurity.

Social exploits
The team said its eight-month investigation showed no "hard evidence" of the involvement of the government of the People's Republic of China,
"An important question to be entertained is whether the PRC will take action to shut the Shadow network down," the report said.
China's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu told a press conference that the country was "firmly opposed" to hacking
"We have from time to time heard this kind of news. I don't know the purpose of stirring up these issues," she said.
She added the researchers have not formally contacted China, although the researchers said they had contacted the country's Computer Emergency Response Team (Cert).
"We would expect that kind of statement," said Professor Diebert.
"Have a look at that report and make up your mind whether you think it is groundless."
The researchers said that the network - known as a botnet - exploited social networking and cloud computing platforms, "including Google, Baidu, Yahoo, and Twitter" to infect computers with malicious software, or malware.
This allowed hackers to take control of the PCs of several foreign ministries and embassies across the world.
A more complex network of "command and control" computers was used to control the infect computers.
'Secret contents'
In 2009, the team previously exposed GhostNet, a massive network that was found to have infiltrated 1,295 computers in 103 countries. That investigation had started at the request of the Dalai Lama, Tibet's spiritual leader.
The new investigation showed that his office had been targeted again, with more than 1,500 letters sent from the Dalai Lama's office between January and November 2009 recovered by the team.
The researchers said that they had also recovered a number of documents that were in the possession of the Indian government, including two documents marked "secret", six as "restricted", and five as "confidential".
Recovered documents included Canadian visa applications.
The team said they had no direct evidence that they had been stolen form Indian Government computers. Instead, they said, the documents may have been stolen after being copied onto personal computers.
In addition, the researchers found evidence that the hackers had targeted the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacifc (UNESCAP).
However the team said the hackers had been largely "indiscriminate in what they took".
"The attackers disproportionately took sensitive information but also took financial and personal information," the team said at launch.
The team said the investigation is ongoing.